The Irish Apostolate is the response of the Irish and American Catholic Bishops
to the needs of the Irish immigrants in the United States. It offers a range of
holistic services, encompassing both spiritual and temporal needs. Irish Apostolate
has Chaplains in New York, Boston, Chicago,
San Francisco, and Philadelphia.
Edward Galvin founded the Columban
Mission in Ireland in 1946. The main focus of their work is action from a Christian perspective
in areas of justice, ecology, and dialogue. The division offers Mass cards at each meeting and encourages members to use the
Columban Fathers Mass enrollments whenever the need for a Mass arises.

Mother’s Home in Darby provides shelter in a safe and caring environment for women in
crisis pregnancies. It offers educational programs and assistance in making a new start. The Mothers Home needs volunteers.
For information call 610-523-4463 or go to .
Archbishop Ryan Acadamy for the
Deaf (Archbishop Ryan School for Hearing Impairment was merged with St. Lucy's School for the Visually
Impaired) It is the only Catholic School for the hearing impaired in Delaware County. It is not subsidized by Catholic
Charities and relies solely on donations from people or groups. St. Lucy's was supported by Catholic Charities, revolves
around three basic beliefs regarding life, personhood and community. The first belief is that life is a gift. The second belief
is that we all have a unique personhood and are loved equally by God. The third belief, and the mission of St. Lucy Day School,
is that all of us, students, family and staff in the community of Christians, are one.

Project Saint Patrick
is an organization that helps to increase and subsidize vocations through prayer, moral support and financial offerings.
Delaware Valley Children's Project is dedicated to bringing relief and assistance to children and
families in need throughout the Delaware Valley. The philosophy states "We have said time and again that a new winter
coat or bag of toys may not change a life, but it can change a heart, and that is where it all begins. " People caring about
people, giving cause to hope and to believe.
The mission of the Wounded Warrior Project is to honor and empower wounded warriors. It serves a three-fold
purpose: To raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women
To help severely injured service members aid and assist each other To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet
their needs.
